Arise And Go
Regular price $27.00by Kevin Connolly
The idea of place runs like a river through the life and works of the poet and playwright W.B. Yeats. This book focuses on his time in Dublin, London, Sligo and elsewhere in the west of Ireland, embracing the homes, landscapes and people that impacted his life and stimulated his vast body of work.
Meet the poet’s father, the struggling artist John Butler Yeats; his mother Susan, the well-to-do Sligo girl who had no choice but to follow her husband’s path; his five siblings: Lily and Lolly, guiding lights in the Irish Arts and Crafts movement; Jack, the renowned painter; and Bobbie and Jane Grace, who died in infancy. Meet William Morris, John O’Leary, Katharine Tynan, George Moore, Oscar Wilde, Lady Gregory, Douglas Hyde, George Hyde-Lees, and, of course, Maud Gonne, as well as countless others who helped weave the cloth of Yeats’s poetic gift.
Hardcover: 256 pages